Delays & Closings
Southington Public Schools posts school cancellations on our website. Go to and it will appear as a pop-up on your screen.
If school is dismissed early due to weather, an email will be generated through ParentSquare and sent to you. Email addresses are collected at the beginning of each year with the demographic update form. If you change your email address or phone number, please notify the office or request an update through ParentSquare, and the school will update PowerSchool.
If afterschool/evening activities are cancelled – an email will be sent out. Please try to have a strategy in place in the event an early dismissal is called.
Every effort is made to cancel school as early as possible on days of severe inclement weather. In most instances, the decision is made and broadcast by approximately 5:00 a.m. In addition to the posting on the webpages, the cancellation announcements will also be aired by the following radio and television stations:
- WFSB - TV Channel 3
- WTNH - TV Channel 8
- WVIT - TV Channel 30
- WTIC-TV Fox 61
- WRCH 910 AM
- WTIC 1080 AM
- WZMX 93.7 FM
- WTIC 96.5 FM
- WRCH 100.5 FM