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When Your Child is Ill

The school nurse will ask parents/legal guardians to pick up a student who becomes ill during school hours or who has an illness or injury that, in the professional judgment of the school nurse, needs to be observed at home or assessed by a medical doctor.

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Elevated temperature of 100 degrees F. and above
  • Seizure, head injury, severe headache, blurred vision or dizziness
  • Severe asthmatic episode or respiratory difficulty
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Generalized allergic reaction
  • Weeping or unusual rash
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Communicable illness
  • Injury requiring sutures
  • Fracture
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Dental injury

9-1-1 will be called in an emergency for immediate transportation to the hospital.


Staying Home From School


To safeguard the health of all students, we ask parents/legal guardians to monitor their children for possible communicable diseases.

Students should stay home from school if they: Do not feel well

  • Have an elevated temperature of 100 degrees F. and above
  • Have continued or worsening congestion or sore throat
  • Frequently sneeze and blow their nose, making mask wearing difficult
  • Have an undiagnosed rash
  • Have recurrent vomiting in the past 24 hours
  • Have more than one episode of diarrhea
  • Have large amounts of yellow/green mucus discharge from nose
  • Have a severe sore throat (possible strep throat)
  • Have conjunctivitis (pink eye) with discharge
  • Have an active infestation of head lice (until treated)
  • Have a communicable illness


Students should remain home: Until symptoms have improved

  • For at least 24 hours after an elevated temperature returns to normal without fever-reducing medication
  • For at least 24 hours after their first dose of antibiotic medication
  • For severe earache, with or without fever
  • For at least 24 hours after recurrent vomiting/diarrhea has ended
  • Until treatment for conjunctivitis is initiated
  • Until they are adequately treated for head lice, scabies, or other infestation or communicable disease, and assessed by the school nurse
  • Until chickenpox/shingles vesicles or any rash with drainage has dried and completely scabbed over